Why DeFi (decentralized finance)?

DeFi offers unprecedented opportunities vs. traditional finance

🖥️ We see decentralization to be the next megatrend similar to globalization in recent decades. Cryptocurrencies were the first step, DeFi is the next.

🧠 Decentralized finance makes money truly programmable and global for the first time promising to fundamentally change how both consumers and businesses access financial services.

🚀 DeFi present opportunities that do not and cannot exist in traditional finance, for instance interest yield for cash. This opens possibilities for investment strategies that provide significant return.

DeFi landscape

📈 Assets locked in DeFi increased by over 3 times, going from 35 BUSD to over 110 BUSD in a year.

🔮 DeFi has high returns and great potential in terms of future growth and innovation.

🥧 Currently largest categories for DeFi applications are lending and decentralized exchanges. New innovations happen weekly so this might change rapidly.